
Título: Recent developments in separation science 2

Autor:  Varios
Li, N (ed.)
Nivel bibliográfico: Monográfico

Volumen: 2    Edición: 2nd ed.
Tipo de documento: Libro
Lugar: New Yersey    Editor: CRC Press  Fecha: 1976
Páginas: 292 p.
Notas: Contenido: 1-Interfacial phenomena in fluid phase separation processes 2-Separations by slurry extraction 3-Liquid ion exchange in hydrometallurgy 4-Separation of gaseous mixtures by regenerative sorption om porous solids Part I A fluid porous solid reaction model with structural changes Part II Regenerative separation of CO2 5-Heatless fractionation of gases over solid adsorbents 6-Separation by permeation trhough polymeric membranes ...

Signatura Topográfica: E 1 C0351-2