
Título: New frontiers in food microstructure

Autor:  Bechtel, D. B.
The American Association of Cereal Chemists
Autores Adicionales: 
Nivel bibliográfico: Monográfico

Tipo de documento: Libro
Lugar: St. Paul    Editor: AACC  Fecha: 1982
Páginas: 392 p., fotografías col. ; 23 cm.
Notas: Contenido: 1-Cereal structure : an historical perspective 2-Microspectrophotometric applications in plant science research 3-Polarization microscopy : applications in cereal science 4-Identification of cereal carbohydrates by fluorescence microscopy 5-Scanning electron microscopy histochemistry of oilseeds 6-Scanning electron microscopy of careal grains 7-Freeze-fracture, freeze-etch techniques 8- the farm to the table : a transmission electron microscope account of cereal structure its relationships to end-use properties 9-The use of high voltage thick sections in botanical electron microscopy 10-Microanalysis of seed tissues 11-Starch ultrastructure 12-Quantitative image analysis

Signatura Topográfica: D 5 C0093