
Título: Water relations of foods

Autor:  Duckworth, R. B.
Nivel bibliográfico: Monográfico

Tipo de documento: Libro
Lugar: London    Editor: Academic Press  Fecha: 1975
Páginas: 716 p., il. ; 23 cm.
Notas: Contenido: 1-Water and its molecular interaction with other constituents of biological systems 2-Methods and criteria used in the study of water in foods 3-Water in relation to the behaviour of micro-organims 4-Influences of water on enzyme action in foods 5-Non-enzymic chemical changes at low and intermediate moisture contents 6-Effects associated with freezing and thawing 7-Aspects of the condition and properties of water in relatively moist food materials

Signatura Topográfica: A 1 C0132