Título: Freezing, frozen storage freeze drying of biological materials foodstuffs
Año: 1977
Nivel bibliográfico: Monográfico
Tipo de documento: Libro
Lugar: Paris
Editor: IIF
ISBN: 494 p. ; il
Notas: Contenido: 1-Basic phenomena of freezing biological materials 2-Physicochemical phenomena of the freezing process 3-Effects of the freezing process and frozen storage on animal tissue and blood 4-Effects of the freezing process and frozen storage on vegetable materials and prepared foods: special problems linked with the freezing process 5-Mathematical treatment of the freezing and thawing processes 6-Industrial freezing of foods and distribution of quick frozen foods ...
Signatura Topográfica: C 3 232
Disponibilidad Actual Para Préstamo: 0
Disponibilidad Actual Para Sala de Lectura: 1
Cantidad Actual de Reservas: 0