
  Detalle del registro  
Autor:  Institut International du Froid
Título: Application of refrigeration to the chemical industry
Nivel bibliográfico: Monográfico
Tipo de documento: Libro
Lugar: Paris    Editor: IIF   Páginas: 112 p.

Notas: Contenido: 1-Gas purification by Rectisol process 2-The demineralisation of sea water by freezing 3-Deuterium by hydrogen distillation 4-Development of and improvement in the application of refrigeration to the liquefaction of gases in the chemical industry 5-Use of refrigeration for gas liquefaction and storage: a practical example 6-The mixed refrigerant process and its possible industrial applications ...

Signatura Topográfica: C 3 489  
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Disponibilidad Actual Para Préstamo: 0
Disponibilidad Actual Para Sala de Lectura: 1
Cantidad Actual de Reservas: 0

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