Título: Proposals for the generation and use of refrigeration in the 21st century
Año: 1992
Notas: Conferencia realizada en Buenos Aires en septiembre de 1992
Nivel bibliográfico: Monográfico
Tipo de documento: Libro
Lugar: Paris
Editor: IIF
Páginas: 364 p., il. ; 23 cm.
ISBN: 2-987-99843-00
Notas: Contenido: 1-CFC and their ecological effects: politics and technological changes 2-Development of absorption and adsorption systems: combined cycles 3-Domestic refrigerators and refrigeration machinery 4-Energy savings and recovery 5-Design and operation of refrigeration plants and equipment: computer assested design and operation: control and automation 6-Heat and mass transfer in food refrigeration, freezing and thawing: frozen storage ...
Signatura Topográfica: C 4 C0917
Disponibilidad Actual Para Préstamo: 0
Disponibilidad Actual Para Sala de Lectura: 1
Cantidad Actual de Reservas: 0