Nivel bibliográfico: Monográfico
Tipo de documento: Libro
Lugar: Ohio
Editor: CRC
Páginas: 2 v., il. ; 27 cm.
ISBN: 0-8493-5031-X
Notas: Contenido: Vol.1: 1-Development in mealt crystallization 2-Separation of unsaturates by complexing with solid copper salts 3-Parametric pumping 4-Novel separation with molecular sieves adsorption 5-Adsubble methods 6-Gas adsorption sweetening of natural gas ...Vol.2: 1-Interfacial phenomena in fluid phase separation processes 2-Separations by slurry extraction 3-Liquid ion exchange in hydrometallurgy 4-Separation of gaseous mixtures by regenerative sorption om porous solids part I: a fluid porous solid reaction model with structural changes 4-Heatless fractionation of gases over solid adsorbents 5-Separation by permeation through polymeric membranes 6-Electrodialysis and other ion selective processes ...
Signatura Topográfica: E 1 C0134-1/C0134-2
Disponibilidad Actual Para Préstamo: 0
Disponibilidad Actual Para Sala de Lectura: 1
Cantidad Actual de Reservas: 0