Título: Boundary element methods in heat transfer
Año: 1992
Serie: International series on computational engineering
Nivel bibliográfico: Monográfico
Tipo de documento: Libro
Lugar: London
Editor: Elsevier Applied Science
Páginas: 294 p.il. ; 23 cm.
ISBN: 1-85166-726-1
Notas: Contenido: 1-Solving heat transfer problems by the dual reciprocity BEM 2-Transient problems using dependent fundamental solutions 3-Solving linear heat conduction problems by the multiple reciprocity method 4-Solving nonlinear heat transfer problems using the boundary element method 5-Coupled conduction convection problems 6-Solving coupled problems involving conduction, convection thermal radiation ...
Signatura Topográfica: D 1 891
Disponibilidad Actual Para Préstamo: 0
Disponibilidad Actual Para Sala de Lectura: 1
Cantidad Actual de Reservas: 0