
  Detalle del registro  
Autor:  United Nations
Título: Frozen and quick frozen food
Año: 1977 Tema: CONGELACION
Notas: Ponencias presentadas en el Symposium on New Agricultural Production and Marketing Aspects, organizado por the United Nations Economic Commision for Europe y the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, realizado en Budapest entre el 25 y el 28 de abril de 1977
Nivel bibliográfico: Monográfico
Tipo de documento: Libro
Lugar: Washigton    Editor: Pergamon   Páginas: ix, 148 p.25 cm.
ISBN: 0-08-022031-2   
Notas: Contenido: 1-Les éxperiences de marketing de l'industrie frigorifique hongroise et leur influence sur l'approvisionnement en matiere premieres végétales 2-Main trends in development in the market for frozen foods in western Europe 3-Requirements in terms of quality in marketing of raw material for processing of frozen fruit and vegetables in Finland 4-Requirements in term quality and marketing of raw material for processing of frozen fruit and vegetable in Czechoslovakia 5-Mesures destinées a assurer la qualité des légumes surgelés 6-Some problems of quantity and quality of frozen fruit and vegetable production in temperature zone European countries ...

Signatura Topográfica: E 4 680  
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